Dental Implants

If you are missing one tooth or several teeth, you should give serious consideration to dental implants.  Missing teeth are problematic for aesthetic reasons yet they also compromise the shape of the face, alter bite alignment and provide an opportunity for bacteria to accumulate in open sockets.  The worst-case scenario is an unaddressed gap that allows nearby teeth to move toward the opening. 

Dental implants are carefully surgically positioned into the jawbone with titanium screws.  The ensuing process of osseointegration guarantees the titanium screws or rods are firmly connected to the jaw.  The replacement tooth along with a metal connecting piece is added, connecting to the dental implant that takes the form of a crown.  The dental implant crown placed by our dentist, Dr. Iyad Bakdach, DDS, resembles an actual tooth. 

The dental implant osseointegration process typically takes a couple months.  At most, the entirety of the procedure will require 6 to 9 months.  However, the results have the potential to last decades or even the entirety of the rest of your life.  Your natural-looking implant will function similar to a regular tooth as long as you care for it with regular brushing and flossing.  Contact our Sunnyvale, CA dentist today at 408-730-4064 to find out more about our dental implant procedure.